If you still don't have access to your courses after logging in, please contact your university for assistance.
Search for courses and programmes
You can search for courses and programmes that interest you here at Universityadmissions.se. Use the search box on the start page, or click 'Find courses' for more search options.
Courses and programmes from all Swedish universities
Here at Universityadmissions.se, Sweden's universities provide us with their course and programme listings which we make available as a searchable database. You can for example search:
- for a specific programme or course
- for courses in a specific subject area
- in various regions of Sweden
- for courses at a specific university you're interested in
Several ways to search
You can use the search box on the homepage to search for courses or programmes. Your search words can be a subject area, the name of a course or even a course code.
You can also be more specific about your search by using the filter option. You can skip directly to the filter options by simply clicking on 'Find courses' without entering any search words.
How many selections can I make?
At the bachelor's level, you can select up to eight courses and programmes.
Are you currently enrolled in a programme?
If you're currently studying a programme at a Swedish university, you can search for the courses specific to that programme by:
- logging in to your account here at Universityadmissions.se
- clicking on 'Find courses' in the search box on the start page
- finding options for programme students in the filter