Apply with full privacy protection
You cannot use to apply and follow your application if you want full privacy protection. Instead, you must follow the instructions on this page.
Read the information first
Most of the information on also applies to applicants who want full privacy protection. You must decide which programmes and courses to apply for and find out about the rules.
Remember to check important dates
Submit your application
Do not send anything to University Admissions in Sweden.
Instead, send the following to the Protected Personal Data Team by the application deadline:
- Application form
- A statement written by you, explaining why you need full privacy protection. You can also provide documents that support your statement if you have any. (A statement and supporting documents are only required if you do not have protected data or confidentiality marking in the Swedish population register.)
Filling in the application form
You can fill in the application form using a computer or by hand. The following information will help you to fill in each section.
Your real personal information, address and contact information
Only a small number of staff who work with protected personal data will have access to this. You must provide your real personal information.
Your fictitious personal identity number and alias namn
If we have previously given you a fictitious personal identity number and you remember what this is, you should state this. If you do not remember your fictitious personal identity number, you can state that you have forgotten it.
If you do not have a fictitious personal identity number, ignore this box.
You can choose an alias name that will be linked to your application in our admissions system. If you are admitted to a course or programme, your alias name will be used by your university, for example in class registers. You should therefore choose an alias name that does not reveal your real identity, but you can use your real name as your alias name if you want to. We will choose an alias name for you if you do not choose one yourself.
Your contact information
You decide how severe the threat to your life is, and which contact information you can provide.
You do not need to provide an e-mail address or phone number, but we can contact you quicker if you provide these.
You must tell us where to send mail.
- If you do not have protected data or confidentiality marking in the Swedish population register, you must provide a postal address where we can send mail. For example, you could provide your own address, a box address or the address of a trusted friend or family member.
- If you do have protected data or confidentiality marking in the Swedish population register, you can choose whether you want to provide a postal address or a box address instead of using the Swedish Tax Agency’s post forwarding service.
Application codes
You can apply to a limited number of courses and programmes in each admissions round. It is important that you rank your selections in order of preference, as you can only be admitted to a limited number of credits. Selections you rank lower may therefore be deleted.
Rank your selections, bachelor's
Rank your selections, master's
Application fee
In some cases, we can automatically check whether you are exempt from paying the application fee. If we cannot do this, you need to provide documents to show that you are not required to pay the application fee. You must pay the application fee if you are not exempt.
Read more about the application fee and who is exempt
It is useful if we can contact you early in the application period in case we have any questions about this.
Previous studies
You must meet entry requirements to be admitted.
Read more about which documents you need to provide when applying for bachelor’s study
Read more about which documents you need to provide when applying for master’s study
Studies which have been registered during any earlier applications usually remain in the admissions system.
Previous higher education studies from Sweden are usually automatically transferred into your application from the Ladok student registry, if you have a Swedish personal identity number and your studies have been recorded alongside this. These transfers usually also work if you have previously studied with a fictitious personal identity number issued by us.
When you receive your preliminary assessment, you should check that these transfers have worked. If your previous studies are not shown in your preliminary assessment, send certified/attested copies of your documents to the Protected Personal Data Team at UHR by post.
In your preliminary assessment it says that you must upload documents to My pages at or post documents to University Admissions in Sweden, but this does not apply to applicants who have chosen full privacy protection.
After you apply
The Personal Data Protection Team at the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) will send you a letter by regular mail when full privacy protection has been activated and your application has been registered. (If you do not have protected data or confidentiality marking in the Swedish population register and we are not able to provide full privacy protection, we will contact you before taking any further action with your application and documents.)
UHR and Sweden’s universities manage applications together in the joint admissions database for higher education in Sweden (commonly referred to as the ‘admissions system’). Your application and documents will be stored safely. Your real personal and contact information will not be used in the admissions system. Your actual personal and contact information that you provide in your application will only be available to a few admissions officers at UHR and universities.
Universities are independent authorities and decide themselves what personal data to protect. They rarely make an assessment that differs from UHR, but they have the formal right to disclose the data UHR has protected in the admissions system to anyone who requests it.
If you are admitted or placed as a reserve
There are many practical details you need to discuss with the personal data protection officers at the universities where you are admitted or placed as a reserve. For example, you should ask how your personal data will be protected in the study administration system (Ladok).
Removing full privacy protection
You can choose to switch from 'full privacy protection' to 'protected address' at any time, or decide that you do not need any protection at all.
In both cases, please contact the Protected Personal Data Team at UHR.
The Swedish Tax Authority will not inform UHR if you no longer have protected data or confidentiality marking in the Swedish population register.
Contact the Personal Data Protection Team
Phone: +46 10 470 03 84
We are open Monday to Friday, 10am to 12pm. You should only use this phone number if you have questions about protection of personal data.
Do not send sensitive information by email. Information sent by email is more likely to be intercepted by a third party.
Applications and documents should be sent to:
Box 4030
171 04 Solna