Fees, scholarships, residence permits
For international students, fees, scholarships and the residence permit are important parts of the application process.

Wondering if you need to pay application and tuition fees? We've provided questions and answers - with case examples - to help you find out.
Discover the best methods to get your payment to University Admissions.
EU/EEA citizens don't have to pay fees, but they do have to document their citizenship status. Find out how to do that in this section.
Students with Swedish ID numbers and residence permits are electronically checked for their fee-exempt status. For some, there are further steps to be taken. Find out what they are.
You most likely don't have to pay the application fee, but you do have to use your original account. Read more about matching your Universityadmissions.se account to Ladok.
Your university is in charge of setting tuition fees - and collecting them. Learn the what, when and how regarding tuition.
For many, scholarships are a big part of their decision to study at a university. Find out more about what scholarships you can apply for in Sweden.
If you aren't a citizen of an EU or EEA country, you'll need a residence permit to study in Sweden. Here, we give you a short introduction on how you can obtain one.