Personal ID numbers and residence permits

Students with Swedish personal identity numbers and residence permits are checked electronically for fee-paying status. In some cases, there may be steps you need to take.

Students with a Swedish Personal ID Number

At the time of application, all Swedish personal identity numbers (personnummer) are checked with various databases to determine if an applicant is exempt from paying the application fee. This electronic process is completed within a few days after you've submitted your application.

Use your Swedish identity number 

If you created your account using an email address, it's impossible for the system to find you. Please contact University Admissions if you have a Swedish identity number (personnummer) but did not use it to create your account.

Do not create a new account.

Use the contact form at the Support Centre

Swedish citizens living in Sweden

Confirmation of your citizenship status will occur automatically through an electronic process. You don't need to submit any documentation. 

Please note: It's possible that our electronic check will indicate that you must document your citizenship. If this is the case, you'll receive an email with further instructions. 

Swedish citizens living abroad

Your citizenship status can't be electronically confirmed as you don't have an officially registered residence in Sweden with the Swedish Tax Authority.

To document your Swedish citizenship, please upload a scan of your passport here at For the passport to be considered valid, your scan must reach us no late than 3 months after the expiration date has passed. (For example, if the expiration date is 5 May, your copy must reach us by 5 August.)

Swedish permanent residency or temporary residency not for studies

Confirmation of your residency status will occur automatically through an electronic process. You don't need to send in any documentation.

Please note: It's possible that our electronic check will indicate that you must document your residency status. If this is the case, you'll receive an email with further instructions. 

Swedish ID number but not citizen or resident

For you to be exempt from paying an application fee (if required), you'll need to fulfil one of the other criteria. If you don't fulfil any of the general criteria, you must pay the application fee.

Find out more at Who is required to pay

Do you have a residence permit but no Swedish ID number?

If you have a residence permit or right of residence but don't have a Swedish personal identity number (personnummer), you must document your status.

  • To prove that your residence permit is for reasons other than studies, submit a copy (include all pages) of the decision you received from the Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket). It's important that this document contains information regarding the grounds on which your residency was granted.
  • To prove that you have right of residence, submit a copy of your right of residency card, or the decision (include all pages) you received from the Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket).

You can either upload a scanned copy of your original documents to University Admissions in the 'Documents' tab in your account here, or submit a copy of the original document by regular mail.

Regular post

If you submit your supporting documentation to us via the regular postal service, use the address below. 

PostNord Strålfors AB
Att: University Admissions in Sweden
SE-190 81 Rosersberg

Delivery Service (FedEx, DHL etc.)

If you submit your supporting documentation via a delivery service, such as FedEx or DHL, please use the address below. Do not use this address for regular post.

Attention: University Admissions in Sweden
Recipient: PostNord Strålfors AB
Address line 1: Järngatan 11
Address line 2: Kaj 21-25
Post/ZIP code: SE-190 81
City: Rosersberg
Country: Sweden

Please include the cover sheet found under 'Application' in 'My pages' if you submit your documentation via regular post. Do not include a cover sheet if you upload your identification document.

It is important that you submit your documentation so that it arrives at University Admissions by the deadline indicated; otherwise, your application will be considered late and will only be processed if time permits and there are places available.

Submit your documentation by the deadline indicated; otherwise, your application will be considered late and will only be processed if time permits and there are places available.

Last updated: 05 April 2023