Admissions information for EU citizens
From one European Union country to another, welcome to University Admissions in Sweden! We assume you're here because you're interested in applying for studies in Sweden. Find out what you need to know as an EU citizen.

How does the Swedish higher education system work?
To study at the higher education level in Sweden, a student must successfully complete an upper secondary programme that gives access to higher education studies.
All higher education is divided into first, second and third cycle courses and programmes. These are basically bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels.
Find out more about the Swedish higher education system
Do EU citizens have a separate admissions process?
Admission to higher education in Sweden works pretty much the same exact way for all applicants. Country of citizenship only has an impact on whether a person needs to pay application and tuition fees (EU citizens do not) and to which application rounds a person can apply. We'll take you through the process and point out where things are a bit different for EU citizens.
What are the entry requirements?
A great place to start when considering studying abroad is finding out what the requirements are for studies. For general entry to bachelor's level studies, you must have completed upper secondary school and meet the English requirement. For general entry to master's studies, you must have a Bachelor's degree from an internationally recognised university and meet the English requirement.
There can also be other specific requirements for a course or programme. These are decided by the university. Examples are a certain level of previous math studies, or specific previous bachelor's degrees that are required.
You can find out the specifics about the entry requirements here on this website. It's important to check the course and programme description page on the university's website (you'll find a link in your search results and your application) to find out exactly what's required.
Read more about entry requirements to bachelor's studies
Read more about entry requirements to master's studies
What does the application process look like?
The application process is the same for all of our international students. It's important to meet application and documentation deadlines. All applicants receive their admissions notifications at the same time. Simple!
First step - Create an account
Click on "Log in" on the start page and follow the instructions. Your account gives you access to all services on You log in to your account to submit and follow your admissions application.
You'll receive a confirmation email that your account was created.
Find out more about creating an account for master's admission
Find out more about creating an account for bachelor's admission
Second step - Search for courses and programmes presents the entire catalogue of courses and programmes taught in English in a searchable database. You can enter key words, or use the filter to narrow your search.
Find out more about searching for courses for master's admission
Find out more about searching for courses for bachelor's admission
Third step - Submit your application
Once you've made your selection, you rank your courses and programmes from the one you wish to study the most, to the one you wish to study the least. This is important later as you'll be considered for your first selection first, then the next one, and so on. Once you've reached the maximum number of credits/programmes you can be accepted to, the lower-ranked will be deleted.
Once you've ranked and then submitted your application, you'll receive a confirmation email from University Admissions.
Find out more about ranking for master's applications
Find out more about ranking for bachelor's applications
Fourth step - Submit your documentation
To complete your application, you have to submit documentation of your previous studies. The easiest way to get your documents to us is to scan a copy of the originals and upload them here in your account.
Once we've received your documents, your application will be reviewed for eligibility for the courses and programmes you've applied for. You'll find out in your admissions account if your documentation shows you meet the entry requirements.
Find out more about documenting your studies for master's applicants
Find out more about documenting your studies for bachelor's applicants
Fifth step - Selection and admissions results!
If there are more applicants than places available, a selection process will occur. Applicants will then be ranked based on their previous grades, previous academic credits, and other criteria the university may have. Those ranked highest will be offered the places available - some applicants may be placed on the waiting list.
Admissions results are published in your account here. Note that if you applied to the second round, you'll have to reply to your offer.
Find out more about selection for master's
Find out more about selection for bachelor's
Find out more about admissions results
After you've received your admissions results, you can appeal any decisions where you have been found ineligible for the course or programme. You can submit your appeal by writing and submitting a letter, or using the appeals guide. You must submit your appeal within three weeks after you've read your admissions results.
What about fees?
Citizens of European Union countries don't have to pay application or tuition fees to study at a university in Sweden. You do, however, need to document your citizenship in order to be exempt from fees.
Find out more about how to document your citizenship
When should I apply?
In Sweden, we have both an international application round (First round) and a Swedish application round (Second round) for both the autumn and spring semester.
We recommend that all international students - both EU and non-EU - apply during the international application round. All courses and programmes offered in English are available for the international rounds - we call this First round.
It's possible that a university will place courses and programmes offered in English in the Swedish application round - we call this Second round. You're welcome to apply at this time as well. Please note:
- far from all courses and programmes taught in English are available in the second round
- this round occurs later than the international round, with later application and documentation deadlines, and a later admissions notification
Find out more about the two admissions rounds
We should also mention the obvious - it's important to meet all deadlines in the admissions process. If you submit your application or study documents after the deadline, there's no guarantee your application will be reviewed.
Find out what key dates you must follow
What about PhD programmes?
University Admissions isn't responsible for application to PhD studies. Each individual university manages the application process for all of their PhD positions.
Find out more about the PhD programme - and process - at
By the way - who's in charge of admissions in Sweden?
The Swedish Council for Higher Education, in cooperation with Sweden's universities, is responsible for the admissions process to higher education in Sweden. We manage University Admissions in Sweden, and this website.
What if I have a question?
If you have a question about any part of the admissions process - and you can't find the answer here on - be sure to contact us at University Admissions. We'll be glad to help you!
Go to University Admissions Support Centre
Where do I get started?
We suggest you read our quick guide to the application process for all international students - it will give you an idea of what steps to take, and what websites you should visit during the process.
Start with a quick guide to the admissions process
A quick note about recognition of foreign qualifications
If you have foreign qualifications from an EU country, you can have them evaluated and recognised for two purposes in Sweden:
- in order to meet the entry requirements for university studies
- to have your foreign qualifications compared to Swedish qualifications in order to apply for employment
The Swedish Council for Higher Education is responsible for both the admissions process to university and the recognition of qualifications for job purposes. If you wish to apply for studies in Sweden, you're at the right website!
If you wish to have your qualifications assessed to help you in your job search, we can help you with that as well.
Find out more about recognition of qualifications for job purposes